23 September 2009

The problem lies with....

We had been having lots of arguements recently...Small issues can lead to big quarrels..I really hate to bicker with him...Cause it will ended up "not talking to each other the whole journey home" or "friends around us will feel uneasy"
It really makes me wonder "Is it you or Is it me???"

According to Juju, we always quarrel 'bout the same old things...She mentioned: "You guys dont talk it thru' after the arguements??" errmmm, we do talk things out but a few months later we'll quarrel AGAIN...over the same old issue...

Going over to Kallang Cage of his Soccer Session with pals...

At a very unfamiliar junction along Sims Ave..
Him: Go Straight ot Turn Right??
Me: I'm not very sure leh...Go straight, maybe...
Him: Driving very fast............zoom....
Me: I think wrong liao le leh..Continue going straight we are reaching Suntec liao...
Me: Harlow....i alrdy told u that i'm not sure...if u want to blame me, NEXT TIME DONT ASK ME LLLLAAAAAAAA....
Him: kept quiet, did a illegal U-Turn...and ZoomXamillion faster...(exaggerated la)

Sometimes, i really wish i can just keep my mouth SHUT whenever he's pissed...till now, I CAN'T..i know i'm naggy and noisy..but how 'bout listen to the msges that i'm trying hard to bring across to u???Mayb to you, whatever i said ish nonsensical...

Or is it me being too petty and sensitive???Or mayb i should stop being so naggy???i need to do alot of self-reflection???
Think of it, mayb i should be STUBBORN, PETTY, UNREASONABLE & VERY DEMANDING!!
cos it's so-yaya huh???

I really hope that all these quarrels will be our "case-studies" for future references...


Anonymous said...


Mai di di bicker...

Each one give one step then everything will be okay..

Couples should give and take...
Quarrels may be healthy sometimes but too many bickerings are not that good too...

I love you...you love me...
we are happy family.... :D

Myfatdiary said...

Angus and myself argue quite a bit too.

But sometimes, at the peak of our anger, it's challenging but also best to take a step back and put ourselves in our partner's shoe.

At times, it might be because he's simply jaded from work, feeling lousy from an incident.. and sometimes can be totally outta nothing... just him being petty. Hahaha.

But whether it's your fault or his, take a deep breath, be the one to put your hands over his, and tell him it's just a small matter, let's not spoil the rest of our day because of it.. can do right? :)

Make love, not war...

That's one of the many lessons I learnt from marriage life so far.

See, one entry I type so long comment for u... who's naggier. Hahaha.

Love, nana. :)

rainbowzebra said...

wah wah wah..